im体育APP的Over-the-Air (OTA)测试服务确保您的无线产品符合运营商/运营商的要求和国际标准, 允许您的无线设备的性能在您的产品进入市场之前得到验证.


What is OTA testing?

OTA testing measures how reliably wireless devices, 他们的天线和组件使用模拟环境来复制最终用户体验的实时网络. 测试 measures parameters like Total Radiated Power (TRP), Total Isotropic Sensitivity (TIS), 和中间渠道敏感性,以确保在市场发布前的最佳性能. By simulating live network environments, OTA测试验证了设备有效地发送和接收信号, ensuring product quality, network compatibility, 和 user experience.


Benefits of im体育APP’s OTA testing services 

  • Test In All Scenarios: im体育APP's OTA testing replicates real-world scenarios, ensuring devices perform reliably in various environments, 增强人们对他们在不同条件下表现的信心.
  • Early Issue Identification: im体育APP的OTA测试有助于识别和解决产品开发周期中的性能问题, 在市场发布前优化天线设计和信号处理算法, saving time 和 resources.
  • 全球影响力: With labs strategically located in the US, UK, 和韩国, im体育APP提供方便的访问OTA测试以及我们的其他合规服务.
  • Ensured Network Compatibility: We 验证各种无线网络和技术之间的设备兼容性, ensuring seamless connectivity 和 communication in any environment.
  • Cost-Effectiveness: 通过在im体育APP进行OTA测试,及早发现并解决潜在的性能问题,可以降低成本高昂的召回或保修索赔风险, 为制造商节省大量的时间和资源.
  • 市场准备: By optimizing device performance through OTA testing, 您可以自信地发布满足或超越消费者期望的产品, enhancing market competitiveness 和 br和 reputation.
  • Bespoke Solutions: Our experts create customized testing programS根据您的具体产品要求,以获得更高的准确性或更快的周转时间.


Streamline your OTA testing with a single source provider

我们理解管理有限资源的挑战,包括时间和预算. im体育APP’s team also includes experts in related services such as Global Market Access (GMA), Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC)和 Specific Absorption Rate (SAR) testing,使我们成为满足您所有产品合规需求的单一来源提供商. Our labs are strategically located in the US, UK, 和韩国, 使im体育APP成为您的理想合作伙伴,随时随地为您提供OTA和我们的任何额外测试服务. 



Technical Director - Connected Technologies

im体育官方app下载 About Steve


Technical Director - Regulatory Approvals

im体育官方app下载 about Michael

Utilize im体育APPs cutting-edge OTA test chambers 

im体育APP在美国的尖端无线测试室覆盖400MHz至7.125GHz as well as the 28GHz 和 38 GHz mm-Wave frequencies. 同时,我们的专业天线方向图测量实验室配备了一个角度计,可以根据需要将3D分辨率从15º提高到1º, 辅助DUT定位的集成激光对准系统, 和一个集成的高速切换控制器-提供天线之间的快速切换,加速测试. 我们的AMS-8923-195实验室包括一个多天线阵列,其中包含23个双极化测量天线,间隔为每15º. 我们的模拟环境包括使用幻影(人体不同部位的物理模型)来容纳各种不同的OTA设备形式.


Our OTA testing capabilities

im体育APP provides OTA testing for your commercial, 工业, 军品, 和 consumer products such as smartphones, 笔记本电脑, 平板电脑, 路由器, 和物联网设备.Our services include: 

  • Total Radiated Power (TRP)
  • Effective Isotropic Radiated Power (EIRP)
  • Total Isotropic Sensitivity (TIS)
  • Effective Isotropic Sensitivity (EIS)
  • MIMO Average Radiated SIR Sensitivity (MARSS)
  • Total Radiated Multi-Antenna Sensitivity (TRMS)
  • 5G FR2 conformance 和 acceptance
  • Coexistence / Desensitization Measurements
  • 工程 & Custom testing solutions
  • Passive Antenna 测试 (Gain, Efficiency, 和 Directivity)
  • Antenna Pattern Measurement 测试

PTCRB 和 CTIA certification

我们的室和系统根据蜂窝电信和互联网协会(CTIA)系列无线移动站(OTA)性能测试计划,支持SISO和MIMO的蜂窝测试能力, 包括Wi-Fi移动融合设备的射频性能评估. 


Technologies supported


  • 5G Nr sa, 5g Nr nsa
  • 5g fr1, 5g fr2
  • LTE (Category M, NB, 和 1+), LTE Carrier Aggregation
  • IEEE 802.a, b, g, n, ac
  • 蓝牙 Classical
  • 无线个域网(802.15.4), ISM, SRD, UHF RFID, MedRadio- MICS b和s
  • 遗留3 g



Our team includes experts in Global Market Access (GMA)以及电磁兼容性(EMC)和比吸收率(SAR)测试等相关服务,使我们成为满足您所有产品合规需求的单一来源提供商. Our labs are strategically located in the US, UK, 和韩国, 使im体育APP成为您理想的合作伙伴,在您需要时,将OTA与我们的任何其他测试服务结合起来. Our US locations include Columbia MD, just outside the FCC认证 和 testing laboratory, 和 布鲁克林公园.

您是否需要单独进行OTA测试或与其他测试服务一起进行测试, im体育APP is your ideal partner. Our global presence ensures convenience 和 accessibility, 允许我们在产品开发和合规的每个阶段为您提供支持.

有关我们的无线测试的更多信息,或要求报价, speak to an expert today
Over-the-Air 测试

Antenna Pattern Measurement test methods for OTA testing

im体育APP的专职专家利用天线方向图测量方法测试各种类型的天线和接收器. 我们将与您合作,为您的特定产品需求创建一个定制的测试程序, for greater accuracy or faster turnaround times.

Our antenna pattern measurement labs 

我们的AMS-8923-195实验室包括一个多天线阵列,其中包含23个双极化测量天线,间隔为每15º. 用于被测设备(DUT)的转盘/定位器通过在完全消声室(FAR)中使用低介电材料,沿着phi轴连续旋转,最大限度地减少反射。.

im体育APP的天线方向图测量实验室配备了一个角度计,可以根据需要将3D分辨率从15º提高到1º. An integrated laser alignment system assists with DUT positioning, 和 with an integrated high-speed switch controller, 该系统提供天线之间的快速切换,以加速测试. 


  • 400mhz - 6ghz
  • 3D 和 2D patterns
  • 蓝牙
  • WiFi (802.11), 无线个域网(802 . 11).15.4), ISM, SRD, UHF RFID, MedRadio- MICS b和s
  • Antenna efficiency 和 directivity measurements
  • 绝对收益
  • 在5分钟内完成3D被动和主动测量
  • Design 和 evaluation for antenna designers 和 system integrators

Your 测试 Partner Throughout the 产品 Life-Cycle 

im体育APP的专家在连接设备的整个产品生命周期中为您提供支持 R&D, 测试 & 认证, 咨询服务Global Market Access. We ensure your products get to market on time, every time. 

Take a look at our services to learn how we can support you from R&解析:选D。 make tomorrow safer than today.

Explore our services now
Making certain for nearly 190 years



Specific Absorption Rate (SAR) 测试



Wireless Device - 无线测试 和 认证 Services

im体育APP provides a full suite of wireless 和 radio testing, certification 和 approvals services for markets around the world.


Radio 认证s

im体育APP为美国FCC提供无线和无线电认证服务, 加拿大ISED, CE marking for 欧洲 和 MIC for Japan.





Our team of over 9,000 从事专家 in North America, 欧洲, 中东地区, 澳大利亚, Asia 和 Africa are ready to help you.